You can’t worship God appropriately except you know him. And you can’t know him well enough unless he is revealed to you by the Holy Ghost. That’s why scripture says that no one can come to the father except the lord draws him near.  But the Holy Ghost won’t force the knowledge of God on anyone. You’ve got to want it. You’ve got to desire to know him. Such desire is what will push you to search the scriptures and wander the place of prayer so that such thirsting can be filled.

The Holy Spirit will teach you about God and reveal God to you in the place of meditation. Most of what we get from studying and reading is head knowledge. But that doesn’t do much. God gave us his word not to increase our knowledge but to change our lives. And so in meditation, the Holy Spirit takes that knowledge from our head to our heart, and then changes our perceptions and attitudes and eventually our actions on the outside that causes our walk with God to be deeper and to make much more sense to us.

However, a whole lot of us study the bible with a wrong approach. We look into it with some fixed mindsets we have already and interpret it in the light of how we want to see it. That means we see only what we want to see, no more no less. Anything we find contrary to what we’ve always believed, we either choose to ignore or condemn. Also majority of what we know about God have been factored into our mind by our Sunday school experience but sadly not all are sound or correct doctrine. Our refusal to shake grounds and take new stands means we are denying ourselves the opportunity to be better. Just as much as the literate of the 21st century must be willing to learn, unlearn and relearn, so also must the Christian of this century, otherwise real progress will evade us and we would become a psychedelic monument of a bygone era.

Jer33:3 say call unto me and I’ll answer you and show you great and mighty stuffs you know nothing about. You’ve got to change the way you study. Dare to ask questions, question the norm, query the status quo, and watch how much better you would become. I’m not implying that all we’ve believed so far are wrong, but even we sincerely question the truth without bias and ask help of the Holy Spirit, he won’t change your belief but reinforce them making you understand and believe them better.

All I am really saying is this, be opened to him. Read with an opened heart ready to receive whatever instruction he might send in whatever form to you. Drop all your pre-knowledge about him and ask him to reveal himself to you afresh. Beware of spiritual pride; you’d be surprise of how many things he can teach you from John3:16!

To know God pays better than knowing about him. Being able to quote scripture with no result in your life could be really disappointing, not only to you, but to your friends and neighbours watching you. You owe it to the world to make a success story out of your relationship with God. There comes a point in each of our lives where all that matters and counts is how well we know him. Don’t wait for that time, prepare ye now. Do what you’ve gotta! Inspire into greatness.